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Shas'O Taku

A member registered Jan 13, 2018

Recent community posts

I imagine 55 is close, yes?

So when can we fuck Lady without DM?

Is it possible that by any chance you uploaded the wrong file?

The problem is I could not

There is no option to command her to go naked in her room at CL6

How to get Lady naked? That is the current obstacle that stops me from raising her to CL7

I think the issue is there is no "nude" in the nightwear, and it cannot be set to three, looking through the lines now

I suspect you have tied it to the DL value, in case you didn't notice it get reduced way faster than going up at higher CL, hence I am at DL -167

Can't trigger the CL7 event, the get her naked option just doesn't show

The diary show the hint to get to CL>=7 when I am still working on getting to CL2, it also soft locked me out of getting there I think

Lose V card with Lady and we are good

Will there also be content update like losing the V card to Girl and Lady?

The problem is I can't get back to that scene after reversing to a previous scene, so a screenshot is out of the question.

What I did was I raised her to CL 5, if I recall correctly the first time you visit her room will trigger a "sit down" scene and that is where you talk about the friends, I remembered I hadn't trigger the friends part when I reached that point so I went back a step hoping to revisit when I have progressed a bit into the friends but now the scene doesn't seem to trigger.

Now I am stuck out of that line.

P.S. when will our MC lose his V-card with anyone other than the Friend?

The trigger for talking with Girl  at her room for her friends' address is still buggy

But looking at past record there was once 18 days apart between two updates

Any pattern as of how often does the dev release a new update?

I see, and by the way the kitchen high CL breakfast sequences is bugged, it has no option to go anywhere after ending and the return button doesn't work

(1 edit)

Also would like to know where you kept the saves so that I can wipe it clean from time to time

Boss's MD is bugged and kep locked at CL1 when starting a new game

So what are the differences between DL and normal versions?

The game exceeded all my expectations, also the translation and voice acting part is done very well, it kind of feels like picking up a small dog from animal shelter the whole experience.

COMP/CON community · Created a new topic v2 for Windows

So the Windows version is still 1.5.6, when will we get the new version? Also, I chipped in at Kickstarter, how can I get the data packs